"We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them."
Albert Einstein
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"Peace is that brief
glorious moment in history when everybody stands around reloading".
- Thomas Jefferson
‘‘Laws that forbid the
carrying of arms... disarm only those who are neither inclined nor
determined to commit crimes... Such laws make things worse for the
assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage
than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater
confidence than an armed man.’’
Thomas Jefferson
"Government big enough to supply
everything you need is big enough to take away everything you have..The
course of history shows that as Government grows,liberty decreases..."
Thomas Jefferson
Why I Carry A Gun
Welcome to our Site:
This section of our site is about firearms . . .
Our Constitutional Right to Bear Arms, Home & Self Defense, Shooting
Sports and of
course, guns.
All images were created by us, unless otherwise noted, so please
respect our right to them and do not duplicate them in any way without
permission - all images should be considered as copyrighted.
Guns . . .
Some folks think that guns are a problem, and that the solution is gun
control, or outright abolition of guns wherever possible.
The truth is that guns are not the problem. Guns are merely tools.
Some folks use their guns as tools to hunt, some use them for sport, and some use them
for self-defense because a fact
of life is that there are bad guys out there that use guns as tools of
You may enjoy reading David
Grossman's excellent essay on the subject
Sheep, Wolves, and Sheepdogs - Dave Grossman
"To protect the sheep you got to catch
the wolf, and it takes a wolf to catch a wolf."
AFew of Our Personal Favorites
Porn (aka gun photos)
Follow Elmer to see the whole collection

1911's - the Heart & Soul
Nighthawk Custom - Talon
45 ACP
Forget modem production lines - this custom 1911 was built by a single Master Pistolsmith. The Talon includes all the bells and
whistles that are popular on high end 1911's, plus
Heine Slant Pro Straight-8 night sights and a gorgeous hard
chrome finish. Government model with 5" barrel.
An exceptionally fine example of the classic 1911 - this
gun is a shooter in IDPA competition. |
Nighthawk Custom -
9mm Luger
A lovely 1911 in 9mm Luger - perfect for IDPA competition.
Black Nitride slide over stainless steel frame with deep red
Cocobolo half-smooth grips.
One sweet 1911. |
Ed Brown Special Forces
45 ACP
Unlike most gunsmiths, Ed Brown makes only one grade of gun
- the best. Built for pure performance and extreme
use, the new Special Forces pistol from Ed Brown has
everything anyone needs for serious work.
The all-stainless Special Forces Carry is a serious
heavy-weight defensive pistol. |
Sig 1911 Ultra Nitron
45 ACP
Sig's answer to the Officer-size 1911. A 3.25" bull
barrel pistol with all the modern 1911 enhancements: upswept
beavertail, grip safety with memory bump, full-length guide
rod, 3-hole trigger, night sights, and front strap
Small, light, accurate & easy to shoot well. |
Dan & Wesson Guardian
9mm Luger
Dan Wesson's Commander size 1911 for concealed carry.
The steel slide wears Dan Wesson's proprietary ceramic black
"Duty Finish" while the black anodized alloy frame is fitted
with several Ed Brown components, such as the Ed Brown
bobtail. As reliable as any 45ACP 1911 we've ever
The "His" version wears thin White Cocobolo
grips and stainless controls. |
Dan & Wesson Guardian
9mm Luger
His Guardian was such a sweet pistol she had to have one of
her own.
The "Hers" version wears custom Black & White
Ebony grips by Sarge's Grips. |
Dan & Wesson Pointman 9
9mm Luger
Dan Wesson's reputation as the finest production 1911 is
reflected in the Limiter Production Pointman 9, aka the PM9.
An obvious choice for the discriminating enthusiast
that doesn't want to spend the big bucks on a semi-custom.
Her PM9 wears a pair of slim Buckeye Burl grips
by Sarge's Grips - stunning! |
Dan Wesson CCO Bobtail
45 ACP
An exquisite 1911 optimized for carry
Commander slide on bobtailed alloy Officer frame - only
33.5 ounces loaded.
A very nice carry version of the 1911. |
Springfield 1911-A1 "Trophy Match"
45 ACP
Stainless steel hand-fitted match pistol.
Conversion to a 'Bobtail' by the Springfield Custom Shop
meant losing the OEM magwell, but it fits the hand so much
better. Wearing the standard
double-diamond cocobolo grips.
My first 1911 goes soft in semi-retirement with an Ed
Brown bobtail. |
Springfield 1911-A1 "Trophy Match"
45 ACP
The same 1911 pistol as the one on the left, but in "race
trim" with the TRP G10 grips instead of cocobolo.
My most accurate production pistol shoots 1.25" groups at 25
yards. |
Dan Wesson CCO Bobtail
45 ACP
An exquisite 1911 optimized for carry
Commander slide on bobtailed alloy Officer frame - only
33.5 ounces loaded.
A very nice carry version of the 1911. |
Smith & Wesson SW1911SC
45 ACP
Smith & Wesson's interpretation of the Colt Commander with a
round butt for concealed carry and greater comfort.
A stainless steel slide with 4.25" barrel on a
lightweight Scandium alloy frame.
An exquisite 1911 optimized for carry
The "Hers" version of this lovely 1911. |
Smith & Wesson SW1911SC
45 ACP
Identical to the Smith & Wesson on the left, except for the
black Melonite coated slide.
The "His" version. |
Mossberg 590-A1 - MilSpec heavy
Barreled version. The ubiquitous 12 gauge Pump Shotgun
Enhanced with a pneumatic collapsible stock with pistol grip
makes. Some states label this an 'assault rifle'
because of the pistol grip & collapible stock. The pitsol
grip is neither here nor there, and the stock simply makes
it easier for a woman to shoulder what would otherwise be
too long, plus it cushions the substantial recoil of the
shotgun. |
Ruger 10/22 Carbine
Fun target rifle with either red dot sight or scope. |
Ruger Gunsite Scout Rifle
.308 Win
The ideal "fighting carbine" in .308
Winchester that is a credible rendition of Col. Jeff
Cooper's Scout Rifle concept. Cooper called for a relatively
lightweight, hard hitting, do-all rifle that in the hands of
an accomplished shooter was able to place accurate,
sustained fire out to long ranges, yet was quick-handling
and light enough for all-day carry. |
Smith & Wesson M&P15 Sport
5.56 NATO
A basic version of the popular AR15, reasonalbly equipped
for 3-Gun Competition, defense and general target shooting. |
Marlin 1895 GBL "Guide Gun"
45-70 Government9mm Luger
If you
ever think you just might be facing a Grizzly bear, this is
the gun to have, loaded with
Garrett's 540gr Hammerhead round. The only other
reason to have one is cause it looks so cool. Sort of
like Steve McQueen in the Rifleman, only bigger and badder. |